Outdoor Exploration Programs:
We take girls who don’t typically have access to these activities and expand their perspectives and encourage them to try new things. The girls engaged in several different activities such as horseback riding, kayaking, ropes course, and so much more. There was so much beauty in watching these girls conquer their fears, do what they thought was unimaginable and do something new and enjoy it and want to do it again!
EJ Action Trips:
Our environmental justice trips are a new concept as well. The high school-aged target audience really wants to participate in something that challenges them but also allows them to gain hands-on experience and increase their social interactions and leadership skills. These trips will be the perfect opportunity to do just that. They will be heavily involved in the planning and implementation of trips and the nonprofits and communities that we will work with.
Service Trips
Supporting Communities
Implementing and developing programming
Sustainable, innovative solutions
Collaborations with other organizations
Environmental Action trips
Brand Partnership Programs
By partnering with a well-known and trusted organization, you can increase your visibility and improve the public's perception of your brand. This can help you build trust and attract support.
Mentorship Program
Relationship Building
Intergenerational sisterhood Pipeline
Holistic Healing Programs:
Girls of color everywhere are experiencing trauma, rather it’s individualistic, collective, or both. Most times, there is a lack of opportunities to meet with a therapist, and it creates more internalized fear. Green Goddess wants to take a more holistic approach. We are addressing physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. All of these five aspects of holistic health are what enables a person to truly live each day in the healthiest, happiest way possible, and if one area is compromised, most likely other areas will be as well.
Trauma-Informed Yoga
Peace Circles
Life Coaching
Career Readiness Programs
Career Readiness really speaks to the true essence that students don’t feel prepared post-high school graduation to either attend college or enter the workforce through a trade. They are not being exposed to various career paths that set them up for success. Green Goddess wants to provide girls with the opportunity to shadow professionals, have workshops that relate to their interests, and hear from speakers that look like them in the prospective job that they want to go into.
Shadow Days
Career Fairs
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